
Reading Buses is helping people to make sustainable travel choices while investing in clean-energy vehicles to reduce their carbon footprint.

3055 (Tonnes)
Est. reduction in carbon
emissions per year

Passengers benefitting
every year

Our Aim

Reducing carbon emissions and helping people to travel sustainably.

Our story

Reading Buses enables people to make sustainable choices by switching from a private car to a bus. Every time someone makes this choice, carbon is immediately saved. But that's not all we're doing – a third of our fleet now runs on biomethane, a waste product that is certified as carbon neutral, and we're looking at further investment in electric buses.

We have a growing fleet of over 58 green bio-gas buses, each of which reduces CO2 emissions by up to 84% compared to a brand-new diesel double-decker bus. Not only do our bio-gas buses produce significantly less CO2, but they also produce less vibration, meaning a cleaner and smoother ride for our customers.

One of the key benefits of becoming more sustainable and sharing our commitment to carbon reduction is the confidence that it gives to our customers. For many of the people that travel with us, the use of one of our buses is a choice, and reassuring customers that we're committed to green principles can have a significant impact on their decision to use public transport.

Our advice

If you're thinking about sustainability, it's important to do your homework and research all the options. There are lots of different technologies and initiatives out there and it can be overwhelming. Get all the information you can, talk to people who've been there before, and understand best practices to make an informed decision.

Our Metrics –
• Measuring reduction in carbon emissions.

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